Lately, I feel myself wither. My health has always existed as a pendulum, mentally and physically, and this has been a time for the downswing. A few complications arise, but I take care of them. I do my best. Everything will turn out for the better in time and I will take care to ensure that.

I've almost finished reading a book I set out to read this morning. It's made me wonder how I can make myself feel as fleshed out and substantive as the characters I care about. I base a lot of writing on my real life, which isn't an uncommon feature for a lot of writers. But, I think I lack in a lot of the experiences I want to portry. I like to think that I try new things and live new experiences as frequently as possible, but I wonder if I ever do it properly or frequently enough. It's something to think about.

As I've been editing and writing through 'Huonessa', I wonder how I can make the relationships and experiences more authentic therein. The linguistic challenge is the most prominent for me, since I seek to portray language acquisition properly. It's something I research extensively and pull a lot of personal experience from. I'm sure I'll find the portrayal and balance that I seek.

I want to have more substance to my writing and myself, of course. That's all that these thoughts lead me to. The authenticity to myself as well as to my characters is important to me.