Next month, it will be my birthday.

I've dreaded this time of year for many years at this point, but it's starting to feel more managable. I've already made plans with a few close friends for the occasion. I wonder if this might be the year when I finally stop expecting a phone call. It's always a little exhausting and a little nervewracking trying to avoid my phone for the day. It won't be so bad. I'm sure everything will go well. In fact, I think I'm excited. It certainly helps that I know I'll be with my dear friends.

Otherwise, I've been planning another trip. It remains to be seen if it comes to fruition.

Before I can worry about my birthday or any future plans, I just have to get through the week. Thankfully, I'm in the home stretch and only have two more looming tasks before I can return to drawing and writing. Someone dear to me has been asking me to work on one of the stories I've shared with them. That makes me happy, but upon opening the file to edit it, I see it's already 50,000 words in length. I fear that the story isn't even half told, but I'd like to tighten some of the prose and trim it down before continuing.